Our Guarantee


Our Guarantee.

We guarantee that every tree we ship will arrive to the location you’ve selected healthy. If your tree does not arrive healthy for any reason we will replace or refund at no cost to you. Depending on time of year and shipping delays, some yellowing or drying of leaves may occur. Once planted per our instructions you tree will quickly bounce back. 

Our Warranty.

If your plant dies within 30 days of receiving, we will replace your tree at no cost to you. Shipping is not included, customer will cover additional charges related to shipping replacement. Please see below for additional details for warranty claim items.

Our expection is that every customer is 100% satisfied with the order they have received.

The success of your new trees starts with the care that you give it during the time of planting. Please be sure to follow your tree’s planting instructions (found here) in order to give it the highest possible chance of sucess.

 Claim Details

If your tree has died within 30 days of receiving and properly planting, Sycamore Ridge Farm will replace your tree at no cost to you. Please see the additional details below,

  • To be eligible for replacement your tree must have been planted per the instructions provided.

  • If we do not currently have your tree in stock, we will refund the cost of the tree (minus original shipping).

  • When shipping a replacement tree, the customer will cover the shipping costs associated with the tree.

  • Shipping address of the replacment tree must match the original shipping address.

  • We may ask customers to provide photos of the tree. This will help determine if the tree has died or has undergone heat or transplant stress related to the shipping. If you are unsure of whether your tree has died, you can perform a scratch test on the base of the tree. Very lightly scratch to remove a thin outside piece of the trees bark from the main trunk. If any green is observed then the tree is still alive.